AI-Driven Off-Plan Property Investment Solution in Dubai


Invest in the best off-plan properties, tailored to your goals and budget for maximum ROI.


Get matched with top-performing off-plan properties in Dubai from leading developers.

Invest in Dubai's Off-Plan Property Market within minutes

Create your FREE investment profile, and access personalized property recommendations and market estimates.


Create Profile

Set up your investment goals and strategy.


View Matches

Access your personalised property options instantly.


Make Decisions

View automated property estimates for faster analysis.


Become Investor

Follow the transparent, guided purchase steps for deal closure.

Access property estimates for informed property investment decision

Off-Plan Property Price


Annual Rental Estimate

Adjust the annual rental value

Estimated annual investment metrics.

  • 0.0 %

    Rental Yield

  • 0.0 %


Cumulative Rental Net Income

Use the value indicator to see annual cumulative net income

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Asette News & Knowledge

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Asette ?
You don’t need to be a seasoned real estate investor in UAE to use the platform. Users can create a free profile to access AI-Driven software that displays real time statistics to access market analysis and provides seamless access to automated investment estimates.
Is Asette transparent with the transactions and regulations ?
Asette provides complete transparency for the purchases with guided steps to ensure user understanding. We do not charge any fees on property purchases. Our off-plan property in Dubai is in accordance with DLD laws and regulations.
Are the property investments available personalized to my requirements ?
Asette provides immediate access to personalized property recommendations, delivering property options that match your budget, optimal yield and investment return, hence making investment in Dubai real estate all the more easier.
Does Asette perform well against market competition ?
With the personalized profile, Asette matches the user to top-performing off-plan investments in Dubai from leading developers that gives users important information for the best ROI.
Can I invest in UAE property if I don’t have a UAE visa ?
Yes, you can invest through Asette even if you don’t have UAE residency. However, regulations and requirements may differ based on your country of residence.